All along this journey called life, we meet many people, build many relationships, create memories - good as well as bad, we love a few, care for them, receive love and care from those around us, make people feel special and a few make you feel special too. Then there are few bitter moments, fights, hurting others- knowingly or unknowingly, lose someone you love, have misunderstandings... these things tear you apart and make you feel worthless. All of this makes your story. We don't realize, but all of this - each and every thing - however small and irrelevant event in our life makes our journey worth the while.
After every happy moment there has to be something that tears you apart. Just like after every bright morning there comes a night so dark that it scares you, but after every such scary dark night, comes a bright new morning... This promise of a bright morning and the hope in our heart, makes us live each day of our life. Similarly after every failure, every heartbreak, every loss, there lies ahead of us success, love, care, happiness - in abundance!
"If you don't see a dream come true, maybe it's not "yet" time ..." It is this "hope" that is instilled in our hearts that makes us pick ourselves up every-time we stumble and fall. We should take both the good and the bad things in our stride and move ahead. People come into your life for a purpose. Everything happens for a reason. We wont realize this right away, but one day it will all make sense. When happiness arrives, say, “Welcome, Make yourself comfortable." when she leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her. Similarly even when people leave you, let them leave, but do believe in the bond you shared, the memories you made, keep full faith and trust in your relations and they will find their way back to you! Have faith in god and his plans!
When you reach at the end of the rope, tie a knot and hold on! And remember, there is light at the end of every tunnel. The only difference is some tunnels are short while most of them are long, dark and scary. It's how you deal with these long, dark and scary nights that matter the most and this is what makes you strong.
In all this chaos and madness of life, remember to wear your best smile and be happy, feel happy and stay positive. All the ups and downs, every failure, every heartbreak and every other thing that puts you down is just making you strong, making you realize the worth of what you have, to treasure everything and everyone around you.
Keep Smiling and Stay Happy! :D