Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Message in a Bottle

       I was reading this book "Message in a bottle" by Nicholas Sparks. And most of you will agree to have fallen in love with almost all of his books, especially "A Walk to remember"! It is the epitome of love, it teaches you how to love, and what exactly it feels to have loved deeply and lost! It is about the crazy love, more about love-at-first-sight and things that make your heartbeats race and makes you go 'awww', while managing to make you cry, you feel the pain and hurt of those fictional characters as if it were happening to someone you knew or worst case scenario, it was happening to you itself ( god forbid )

       The story is all lovey-dovey and heart warming throughout, up until the climax. It made me realize what a great role 'Destiny' plays, how amazingly talented it is in its work! Two people, complete strangers, who are totally oblivious to each others existence, their lives get entwined in a fairy-tale way. They both have loved someone deeply in the past, losing their partners to fate. But destiny brings them together and how! And making everything perfect, the same destiny that brought them together, separates them! But before that happens, it gives them a reason to fall in love all over again, to fall in love with someone, to fall in love with life, in general. It helps them create memories together, that would be etched in their memories forever. Their world changes overnight, the gloomy, mundane days are now filled with love and warmth, hope and re-affirmed willingness to fall in love. Take a bow Mr. Destiny! First, bring two people together, make them fall in love with each other, more importantly they fall in love with 'love' itself. And then Mr. Destiny shakes it up a little, turning everything upside down. The wise men said, "If it was meant to be, it will always be". All of this, just re-affirms our faith in love, making it deeper and stronger.

       I don't know what is to have loved and lost and i really don't know what it is to fall in love either. but by what I've seen, heard and read about love, it's a beautiful feeling. But i know that most of us claim to be in love, but that makes me wonder. Can you really love someone selflessly, without any expectations in return? I guess all of us are in love with the idea of being in love. And there's where we lose the real essence of it! The book made me sit and wonder about many things of life, in general. One things for sure, in this game of life, Mr. Destiny is one big game changer and a very powerful and experienced one at that, too.

       When you are in love with someone and you know its for real, but then destiny separates you forever, where there's no hope or even the slightest chance of reunion with your loved one, there's no slight possibility of being with that person again, hugging them, telling them how much you love and care for them, why are they brought into your life in the first place? Ofcourse having them in your life, though for a brief moment is worth it but if death could separate you so soon and so easily, why would fate come up with a story like this for just anyone?

       One  question that the book answered, made me realize that that "happily ever after" can be for a short time, 'perfect' need not always be 'forever'. But then does forever end the day we die? or is it then the beginning?
Still a mystery ...! Stay happy... !  Keep Smiling ..!

P.s: This article is inspired by the same book, just random thoughts that lingered on my mind as an after-effect. ;)
P.p.s: To all those who haven't read it, do read it.
You surely don't want to miss out on something that takes your breath away! :D